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What Are The Common Sycamore Tree Problems And Care Tips?

The thick-shaded and fast-growing sycamore tree is a beautiful work of nature’s art in the backyard. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s safe from the onslaught of various diseases. If the infestation grows, you may even have to cut down the tree by using the services of tree removal companies. Below are some common sycamore tree infestations along with some important sycamore tree care tips you should know.

Sycamore Anthracnose

Twig anthracnose is a very common disease that occurs in sycamore trees. It usually involves leaf and twig damage and it can turn deadly within months and a completely healthy tree can wilt away because of this disease. It is usually the slow deterioration of leaves and it appears on them first too. It starts with the browning of the leaves and it can be very obvious from the get-go.

During the initial phase of anthracnose, the smaller budding twigs can also be killed almost immediately and that can affect the growth of the tree. In the second phase, the anthracnose attacks the bigger twigs and this is also something alarming because grown twigs and branches can be damaged and you can see cankers forming on the twigs randomly.

In the third stage, the buds of the tree and small leaves of the tree are attacked and this causes failure in the growth of the tree, which is very alarming.

Lastly, and this is where things reach a point of no return and that is damage to the leaf, also known as leaf blight, where brown spots and splotches are formed on the lush green leaf and if it goes unnoticed for too long, then the leaves might prematurely fall off and the tree will ultimately die.

Sycamore anthracnose usually occurs in colder and wet seasons, so during the winter, you want to keep your eyes peeled for any abnormal damage to the tree.

Bacterial Leach Scorch

This is the burning of the leaves of a sycamore tree and a key identifying factor is to see the turning of the leaves as they turn brown. They will scorch up and turn upwards instead of wilting downwards. This is a very clear sign that your sycamore tree is suffering from bacterial leaf scorch. This is caused by the bacterial pathogen, Xylella fastidiosa.

It usually attacks the xylem of the tree, which are the water-carrying tubes or passages, so you know that there will be damage from the inside out. Bacterial leaf scorch is spread by a variety of bugs like leaf hoppers and other beetles that can feed on the xylem fluid.

This also leads to bad leaf growth, leaves turning dry and brown and they will ultimately fall off, leading to a bald and less dense tree. Usually, the only way to prevent bacterial leaf scorch is to prune the tree branches that are showing symptoms of this disease, because there is no other way to deal with it.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is the deposition of white powder-like fungus on the twigs, branches, and even leaves of the sycamore tree and it is caused by a type of fungus known as Erysiphe platani. The mildew occurs as white or gray deposits on the tree, usually in the extremities and it usually occurs in a climate that is humid, wet, and hot, so you know it’s the perfect time for fungus to thrive and grow.

Usually, powdery mildew can be avoided if you spray the trees with fungicides, but it is recommended that you don’t go overboard with it, because if you spray the trees too regularly, then the tree and the fungus can develop a resistance against the very antidote and it won’t be able to stop from spreading.

Powdery mildew causes a decline in the health and growth of the tree and it can ultimately lead to a lot of problems. So, it’s recommended that you deal with it as soon as possible. If the health of the tree is deteriorating, you should also consider removing the tree using tree cutting services Chevy Chase.

Sycamore Lace Bug

Sycamore lace bug is one of the most common yet problematic insects that can make a healthy tree turn into a mess, within a short period, as far as exposure is concerned. Lace bugs get their name from their characteristic pattern on the wings and chest area and these bugs are tiny, about less than an inch big and they feast on the green leaves as well as the branches of the tree.

The bugs usually reside under the bark of the tree, during the wintertime, especially when the bark is on the verge of peeling. This is where these critters attack the tree and suck on the trunk to devoid the tree of nutrients.

Usually, to prevent lace bugs from deteriorating the health of a perfectly good sycamore tree, you need to go for hunting animals that eat the very bugs, so spiders, birds, and other sizable creatures will do the work for you and your tree will be safe from the damages of these minute, but very deadly critters.

Also, regular inspection will also prevent these insects from feasting on the tree and you can also spray the tree with insecticides to get the job done.

How To Take Care Of Sycamore Trees?

Now that you know the various problems a sycamore tree can face, here are some things that you can try to prevent that from happening.

Regular Pruning

Firstly, you want to keep shears handy, because these will help you in cutting off any unhealthy part of the sycamore tree. Pruning does a lot when it comes to cutting the passage of the disease to spread all over the tree. So, if you see a damaged or infected part of the tree, it’s time to snip it off, because it is better for the tree in the long run.

Avoid Overcrowding

Another thing that can cause diseases to spread very quickly is overcrowding of the trees. Sycamore trees are already huge, to begin with, so you don’t need to go the extra mile and cover every square inch of the ground with trees. Keep the trees at a distance because poor tree placement can cause pests and diseases to spread.

Watering The Small Trees

Even though sycamore trees are very durable and they’re not fragile in the least, the small trees, if they’re not well taken care of, can fall victim to diseases and the tree will ultimately die. This is why taking good care of the baby trees is important. If you plant the trees in good soil and water them regularly, then you will see the difference in no time.

Keep The Surrounding Clean

You want to keep the ground where the tree is rooted clean and free of any garbage and other things. The roots need a lot of room to breathe and get stronger and if you’re crowding their space, then that’s not going to do you any favors. So, it’s better if you clean any fallen leaves or ruckus on the ground.


Sycamore tree problems can turn deadly really quickly. So, you must know how to deal with the issues, before it’s too late. For help, find arborist services Bethesda who can assess your sycamore tree health and suggest pruning or other treatments.

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